


I sell dōTERRA and build wellness communities around the world!

Purchase the world’s purest, most tested + trusted essential oils at 25% off.

You’ll support 80% of your health + well being needs and find yourself wondering what in the world you did before these bottles.


Where would you like to go first?


An integrative approach to life-changing healthcare.

Are you a healthcare practitioner or business owner focused on providing home health solutions to your clients? Learn more HERE.


So happy you’re here. I believe that our wellbeing is 100% our responsibility and everything I teach here will be focused on guiding you to OWN IT.

HEALTH EMPOWERMENT through NATURAL SOLUTIONS is my passion for creating this website for you. I’m a teacher of natural solutions for your in-home healthcare (aka-selfcare) who’s worked in the health space for over 25 years. I have created a mission to be someone who not only teaches wellness but also teaches the why behind natural solutions and how supportive it can be to your goals & your journey on your path to optimal health.

Are you someone who is seeking supportive tools? To feel the best in your body? Are you seeking to take your health by the reigns? Wanting to avoid dis-ease in your life and home?

I’m here to be a facilitator of knowledge and to connect you to the tools that will change your health for the better forever.

I invite you to explore what’s possible!


I believe that when we feel better, we are way more capable of rising into that strength + purpose for which we are intended.

Natural solutions are a big piece of that puzzle when it comes to our health. Pursuing what’s pure is a good practice to apply to all aspects of our life let alone to what we use as natural solutions. Throughout the years I’ve used many natural solutions including many brands of essential oils, herbs, and more but it wasn’t until I discovered doTERRA for it to be a game-changer. You will know what I’m talking about once you try them out and read all about what sets them apart HERE.

I believe we need to anchor what God has given us in nature knowing this has been the one tool used since the beginning of time here on earth to help our bodies. Since then we have been blessed with modern medicine which should be combined with our natural health and self-care in helping our bodies thrive physically and emotionally.

What natural health and self-care do you currently use?


I encourage you to ask questions. To proactively seek the best for your health + self-care.

Asking questions has led me to this. Incorporating natural solutions over time with simple daily habits and routines has led me and my family to be less reliant on our healthcare system for starters. This alone I am grateful for. So much healing takes place in your body when supported fully. We are designed to use natural solutions hence no side effects. Just side benefits which are life-giving.

I have been fortunate to not only incorporate plant-based solutions into my daily life along with my family, but it is also my business, working with business owners, medical/dental professionals, and women all across the world.

I’m here to serve you in any way I can along your journey incorporating a natural lifestyle. I’ve found that so many of us feel burnt out and overwhelmed, losing ourselves in our careers, entrepreneurship, parenthood, and need simple effective routines and tools that work. There is nothing that matches the power of these gifts of the earth and I make it simple.

When we can come to a place to help ourselves we then can truly help others. Hence, heal, grow and lead together to live our highest calling. Can’t wait to connect with you.



I invite you to book a call with me to see if implementing these natural solutions would be a good fit for you.


 “Empowering those who want a vibrant, higher quality of life so they can thrive and live their highest purpose.”


Attracting people interested in owning their life.

Natural Living Educator - Health Mentor - Wellness Advocate

Inviting you to discover doTERRA essential oils - I know these are the tools that are healing the world in so many ways.

I teach the “why” behind them and make it simple to integrate them.

I provide the framework for you to become your health and success CEO!


do you want to sample the oils?

jump on a call with me so I can create something that serves you.


4 ways to use

Essential Oils



EO Wellness Class





Living on the offense and taking responsibility for your health.

At our home, we strive to integrate essential oils into our daily lives. We all have autonomy over our own bodies and our homes. Essential oils offer a simplistic way to support your mind, body, and home through nature’s solutions.

Join us on a journey through life with essential oils.