How To Get Started
Ready for a little plant power?
It’s time to become empowered.
What is Plant Power?
Yes, aka... what are essential oils?
Essential oils are a volatile aromatic compound found in some of nature’s most basic gifts - found in seeds, bark, roots, stems, flowers, plant pieces- that have AH-mazing benefits on our physical + emotional health and well-being.
With plant power, you can…
….take control of your
⚫ physical health
⚫ emotional health
⚫ and even financial health
I have a science background, so here’s a quick lesson:
Everything is chemistry. Every cell, organ, and tissue in the body performs its function using enzymes, receptors, and other proteins, which work together to break down, build up, and rearrange the chemical bonds in biological molecules. Essential oils also operate under the principles of chemistry. The unique chemical makeup of each essential oil is what gives them the ability to affect the body’s systems. Molecules in essential oils can selectively support the function of subcellular structures that run the processes that keep us alive.
Not all oils are created equal. Be careful if it’s not a dōTERRA Essential Oil. It might be a bottle of synthetic perpetrators. dōTERRA is the real deal. A brand you can trust backed by science and purity.
Here are a few of my favs about these oils that set them apart:
I’m a girl who wants to know where her essential oils come from and what methods are used to harvest and distill. Don’t you?
Are you hungry for a change?
You know that little voice inside of your heart whispering. "there’s got to be more!"
The part of you tired of walking through life on the “wash, rinse and repeat” cycle.
Sometimes it takes stepping out of your comfort zone and answering the call to work ON yourself that brings the change you've been craving. Integrating these powerful solutions on a daily will catapult the change you are searching for!
Perhaps you're like me... Tried EVERYTHING natural out there and nothing really worked that well. *Sigh*
For me, it was -multiple yearly sinus infections that I was looking to alleviate. And if it wasn’t for a sweet friend that shared doTERRA essential oils with me, I wouldn’t have found relief -naturally anyways- as prescription antibiotics wreak havoc on our system with unwanted side effects along with changing the bacteria in our system so much with repeated use that they don’t work against them. These oils gave me instant relief and had none of the side effects ONLY side benefits. All of a sudden a new world opened up to me. I thought if these oils could do that, what else could they do!? I started using them for other health issues such as ADHD symptoms, anxiousness, and sleeplessness. After getting my head above water with my health using oils as one of the key tools, I was able to gain strength mentally because I was finally sleeping and feeling better. I started to cope with my stress better and was also able to have a deeper spiritual connection with my creator. I started to see the hand of God in my life on a very personal level. I knew if I focused on the spiritual and physical needs of myself and my family, that all other opportunities would open up to me.
I have been fortunate to not only incorporate plant-based solutions into my daily life along with my family, but it is also my business, working with business owners and women all across the world.
#Truth, if it wasn't for essential oils (AKA-” gifts of the earth”), I’d still be bogged down by my own “problems” instead of helping people like YOU.
Do you, too, want to feel incredible, both physically and emotionally? And maybe help others feel amazing too?
Now that I have your undivided attention… it’s about to get real.
If you have all the money in the world but don’t have wholistic wellness are you truly wealthy?
The answer is: No.
I’m an essential oil believer because it changed my life and gave me relief that Western medicine alone could not.
It WILL help you too. #ipromise
Curious how essential oils have specifically helped me? (here’s a few)
You can view and read all about my sinus relief protocol HERE.
I love to use Frankincense in my skincare routine because it boosts the anti-aging power. Also emotionally grounding and calming. Not to mention it helps to keep inflammation at bay while supporting healthy cell function.
When I'm feeling kind of down and need a boost of happy and uplifting feelings, I inhale Wild Orange or any other doTERRA citrus oil I’ve got around. I also clean my home using citrus oils which have decreased my home’s toxic load, thus making a long-term positive impact on our family’s health.
Now I use these oils for all the things! Everybody’s journey using these is different as we are all different in nature and physiologically too. Explore the many areas you can integrate self-empowered wellness HERE
Watch my Masterclass
In class, you'll hear all about the oils and how to get started.
Here are some quick reminders:
You are in control of your life story and you’ve got what it takes to make it what you want! When we embody a life of health and wellness we function better.
You can become a part of something “bigger” (a wellness movement).
You can experience abundance spiritually, physically, and financially.
You can create your own reality.
Do you have questions and want to chat?
During a short call, I’ll answer any questions you may have + we'll talk about how life can change with essential oils + how you can get them at wholesale cost delivered to your doorstep.
Choose your starter kit.
There are options available to fit every budget. I'll help you choose the kit that's best for your goals.
Available Worldwide (if not in Canada or the USA simply proceed to “purchase here” as all markets available there)
And optionally, Get Paid to Live Healthy!