7 Essential Oils That Help Relieve Your Anxious Feelings Naturally


Among the countless benefits of essential oils, one of their most appealing attributes is that they can be used to create a calming atmosphere and promote feelings of peace and harmony. They are also instrumental to our internal cellular health.

I’ve had personal experience using oils for anxiousness and so have countless others. I’d like to begin sharing this powerful testimony from Hayley:

“It’s an assault on my sensibilities!

The label on this anxiety medication is giving me anxiety. Look--just look at it...
Alprazolam (aka 8-Chloro-1-methyl-6-phenyl-4H-s-triazolo [4,3-α] [1,4] benzodiazepine) which is a triazolo analog of the 1,4 benzodiazepine class of central nervous system-active compounds.

My father was a medical doctor. Like any good father, he made sure “normal” medical protocols were strictly followed like getting flu shots and taking antibiotics. But as a child I was also chronically sick, and the glass vials of concoctions and shots of modern potions didn’t prevent missed school days or overhearing my mother explain to my friends, “Sorry, but Hayley’s not feeling well and can’t play today.”

I would read the ingredients on the labels of over the counter medicines, squinting my eyes nearly shut and struggling to pronounce the hieroglyphics-- f-f-f a-a-z-O-d-Y-tin-ALL I want to know is exactly what is this ingredient and where did it come from.

By the time I was an adult, I had fallen into my father’s footsteps and was pumping my family full of meds like a good mother was expected to do. And even though I started my career as a trial lawyer and could dig for information and come back with answers faster than the CIA, I swear to vetiver, I still couldn’t figure out what exactly was in the western medicines.

When I started using essential oils my body responded in a way that it never had to the synthetic, manufactured “medicine” I had been taking my whole life. I am a believer because my life now is proof that quality oils can provide natural relief and help for a huge variety of ailments, including feeling anxious. “

My family and I can relate to this! Hayley’s story rings true for so many living with anxious feelings. It’s empowering to know there are other tools out there to help with our wellness. Imagine a life so empowering that you can have more control over the trajectory of your health?! Simple daily healthy hacks and habits do just that! Check out my wellness lifestyle page to learn more.

Our family literally got rid of ALL our prescription meds here -including ones for anxiety. No kidding! Yes, that’s possible but not always the case for everything as western medicine is vital in some cases just not the ONLY solution. The beauty is in combining both! When using the gifts the earth gives us like doTERRA -means gift of the earth;) we give ourselves a “natural” edge to heal. It is like night and day how these natural solutions can play a role in our lives in such a positive and unique way. Check out my “why essential oils” and “why doTERRA” pages on my website for more info on this. Inspiring hope for us!

Essential Oils have been a part of human culture since before the Pyramids. Did you know we have evidence of Roman, Chinese, Egyptian, and Greek civilizations using oils for everything from cooking to perfume to healing the sick and enhancing the mood dating as far back as 3000 years ago?

Why do you think essential oils have been used for thousands of years and are growing in popularity today? It’s because they’re derived from plants, which means they’re natural. Our bodies intrinsically know how to interact with plant-based materials so no warning labels or scary side effects.

Here Are My 7 Favorite Single Essential Oils for Combating Anxious Feelings:

Dating back to ancient times, way before bath bombs and Chanel No. 5, Lavender remains the most popular essential oil. Centuries ago Egyptians and Romans used Lavender for bathing, relaxation, cooking, and as a perfume. When taken internally, its calming and relaxing qualities continue to be Lavender’s most notable attributes. Add it to bath water to soak away stress or apply to the temples and the back of the neck. You can also add a few drops of Lavender to pillows, blankets, or the bottom of your feet to relax and prepare for a restful night’s sleep.

Roman Chamomile 
Ancient Romans used the oil for courage during war. With a chemical profile full of esters and other calming constituents, Roman Chamomile oil can be helpful in soothing the systems of the body when used internally. Keep a bottle of this on hand and take a drop or two with water. This liquid courage is most commonly used in teas.
A couple of years ago, a study in the journal Phytomedicine determined that long-term chamomile use significantly reduces moderate-to-severe symptoms of generalized chronic feelings of anxiousness.

The labor-intensive and delicate process of harvesting and distilling rose petals produces a sweet floral aroma that is known around the world to be one of the most emotionally uplifting oils
Second only to lavender, Rose is probably of the most popular oil for helping with anxious feelings and self-doubt, promoting calmness, and uplifting the mood during periods of grieving or shock.

Wild Orange
This essential oil is derived from the peel of the wild orange. It is used to lessen tension, stress, and to uplift mood + has the ability to support the immune system.

Due to Vetiver’s calming, grounding effect on emotions, it is an ideal oil to use in massage therapy. It can also be rubbed on the feet before bedtime to promote a restful night’s sleep. Research also gives credit to vetiver for helping to relieve symptoms of attention problems and difficulty focusing.

Renowned as one of the most prized and precious essential oils, Frankincense has extraordinary health benefits. When inhaled or diffused, Frankincense promotes feelings of peace, relaxation, satisfaction, and overall wellness.

Bergamot is unique among citrus oils due to its ability to be both uplifting and calming, making it ideal to help with anxious and sad feelings.

If you want to purchase these 7 oils or any combination of them, click HERE.

3 Ways to Use Essential Oils to Relieve Anxious Feelings

There are three ways that you can incorporate essential oils into your daily routine to combat feeling anxiety: aromatically, topically, or internally.

Simply put, one of the easiest and most effective ways to use essential oils is by smelling them. When the smell of essential oils is inhaled through your nose, molecules enter the nasal cavity and start a firing of mental response in your brain.
You can use oils aromatically by opening up a bottle and inhaling, or by using a diffuser.

Topical Application
Essential oils have low molecular weights and are lipid-soluble, which means that they easily penetrate your skin. Once they’re absorbed, they stay in the applied area for a localized benefit. You can also apply the oils with a light massage which stimulates blood flow and in turn improves the distribution throughout your body.
Safety is key once you start using the oils on your body. To diminish the likelihood of developing skin sensitivity, it’s recommended that you use a carrier oil (such as Fractionated Coconut Oil) when trying an oil topically for the first time. The recommend dilution ratio is typically one drop of essential oil to three drops of carrier oil.

Essential oils can be used internally for more targeted and potent health benefits. Internal use is a very safe and effective method of application because of the sophisticated physiologic processes of our bodies.
Like everything that enters our bodies, essential oils are metabolized by the liver + other organs and are then excreted naturally. When ingesting oils, or anything else for that matter, proper dosing according to labeling recommendations and professional guidelines needs to be strictly followed to avoid toxicity.

Want to Learn More About Essential Oils?

I’ve been using essential oils for pretty much EVERYTHING over the past decade. I’d love to answer your questions and help you find the best way to start incorporating their natural healing and restorative properties into your daily life.

If you want to learn more about me, doTERRA, or essential oils come visit my online world!

If you are brand new to oils, check out this video:


When I’m not hanging out with my husband and three kids or chillin with my friends, I’m busy making an impact in my world as a Wellness Advocate with doTERRA.

So much of what I’ve learned about these incredible oils has been because of my partnership with doTERRA and I am completely convinced that they offer the highest quality, purest, most customer-centered oils in the world.

Here for you on your “whole” wellness journey!



Naomi Denney